This is where the code will depend on your screen resolution and game layout, but this worked for my setup. First, let’s write some pseudo code of the main “mining” loop, our “banking” loop, and some code to call them appropriately “forever”:

Some simple behaviors to mirror include ensuring the time intervals between activities isn’t always the same, that the same exact spot shouldn’t be clicked every time, and that our bot should be somewhat context aware (like when a scorpion gets in the way of a click, or when you’re lagging). However, since we want to mimic a human player, we want to do these things less than perfectly (in a variable way). We want our bot to click on each available rock, mine the ore, and then either bank or drop everything once we have a full inventory. Let’s think about design. Let’s start by laying out out what we want our bot to be able to do. Optional: Download the pyHook or pynput for “listening” for keyboard or mouse inputs.This module is the crux of our program, and what we’ll be using to control mouse movement/clicks and to “press” keys. Pip install pyautogui on the command line (PowerShell). This package is dependent on Numpy, and you will get an error if you haven’t installed Numpy first. whl on the command line (PowerShell) to install. Download the OpenCV version corresponding to your Python installation from here.whl on the command line (PowerShell) to install. Download the Numpy version corresponding to your Python installation from here.Be sure to select the version corresponding to your Python installer (32 or 64 bits). Next, download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable.If python is already installed, check your version by opening Windows PowerShell and typing python and then enter.If you need the 64 bits version of Python, check the Looking for a specific release? section of the downloads page. Pay close attention to whether you’re installing the 32 or 64 bit version (the default Python Windows installer is 32 bits, and that’s the version I installed/will reference). First, install the latest version of python from.

First we’ll need to 1) install the required tools and 2) design the bot that won’t get you caught (you know, unless you write a very public blog post about it). However, we’re still not quite at the coding part. Now that we’ve reviewed the key points in avoiding bot detection (see Part I), we can apply those principles to the development of our iron ore mining auto clicker for the Dwarven Mines. How to Write a Runescape Autoclicker with Python, Part II